
The GG Sisters
Aug 23, 2017
According to Google in the next 48 hours you will….
According to Google 50% of us parents will have watched an online video related to shopping in the next 48 hours? Have you? Is this stat...

The GG Sisters
Jul 31, 2017
A GLAMPing GoodNite
This past weekend we were invited by GoodNites to participate in a 24 hour camping getaway with the entire family. At first we thought...

The GG Sisters
Jul 24, 2017
We love DISNEY and we can’t wait for what is in store for the future..
Before you read and watch this #vlogblog, make sure you scroll till the end to see the press release from Disney of new things being...

The GG Sisters
Jul 12, 2017
The baby has arrived and we couldn’t be more happier. Baby Alessandro born July 13th, 2017 7 pounds 14 ounces. Watch our video below of...

The GG Sisters
Jun 25, 2017
Can you buy us a Horsey now?
We were invited to Cavalia Odysseo this past weekend. We decided to take the kids and what an incredible experience it was. We were...

The GG Sisters
Jun 8, 2017
We got the right “STRUT”
Who knows what song we are singing in our head based on the title of this post? Will give you a hint popular 90’s boy bad…. This week we...