
The GG Sisters
Nov 6, 2018
Don’t cancel that coffee date, we will always be BUSY!
So many times we are guilty of saying, “Let’s do coffee, let’s do lunch, let’s go out.” So many times, we cancel or get caught up in work...
The GG Sisters
Nov 2, 2018
Our secret to balance
OUR SECRET TO BALANCE, we don’t. One day we could be dressing up with a unicorn headband for a brand and the other day we could be in a...

The GG Sisters
Oct 29, 2018
A story and struggle behind a picture
#tbt 2014 There is a story behind every picture. This is a photo of Josie, still smiling at a Glama Gal event, all dressed up in GG...

The GG Sisters
Oct 16, 2018
What’s AGE got to do with it?
Believe it or not we were taken advantage in a variety of different ways when we started our business years ago. Some clients listened to...

The GG Sisters
Oct 15, 2018
Sometimes people will understand why you post everything on social media, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes people will support your “Too...

The GG Sisters
Oct 13, 2018
REPEAT after us. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK. This week you are going to make your own luck. LUCK isn’t given to you, it wasn’t handed to you....