5 pics + 5 stories= A part of our journey
It was around this time in 2006 that we hosted our first ever Glama Gal at home spa party for our cousin. We had no clue what it would evolve to 13 years later. The next few pics tell a bit of a story…

📷Pic 1 taken in 2007: See those yellow and pink robes? Those were the original robes from our first party. I remember calling Josie and saying Jos I found robes at La Senza girl they are on clearance for $11 I’m buying them. Josie was like nooo don’t spend money it’s a one-time party for our cousin. I said NO I have a feeling this could be more.
📷Pic 2 taken end of 2007: You know that saying throwing things at a wall see if they stick. There was a time when we would dress up as a princess for parties. We tried it for a few months and then realized we aren’t a princess company we are spa party for kids. We scrapped that idea quick. But you don’t know unless you try.

📷Pic 3 & 4 taken August 2008: Josie went to Italy for a course with Rob for the summer. We would chat through MSN messenger. When she was in Italy I (Laura) found the perfect place, signed the lease and by the time she got back it was already painted and ready to go. Dave, myself, Damiano and a few friends did all the painting, we bought furniture off Kijiji and upcycled it. We had a white round craft table that was our parents’ old kitchen table. Our main purchase was 6 pink high heel chairs that we spent a total of $1200 with shipping and order from San Francisco. We took a $10,000 personal line of credit and that money was spread thin between first and last month’s rent, furniture, outdoor sign etc. We had a $0 marketing budget. It was scary but it all worked out.

📷Pic 5 taken October 2008: Our grand opening of our first location and the first-ever spa just for kids in Ontario- Glama Gal.
