Do you know where my credit card is?
It feels as though once a month one of us frantically yells, “have you seen my credit cards.” Or “where are my keys! I had them just a few minutes ago”. And then there is the, “Laura, my wallet has been stolen, I can’t find it anywhere. I need to cancel everything. NOW.” Needless to say, it is always something valuable and it always goes missing just when I urgently need it.

In the early years, we chalked it up to baby brain. One of us would put our purse down only to forget where it was minutes later. We accused everyone within a 5 metre radius they had stolen it. The toddler years were just too darn busy for Laura and I to remember which pocket in which pair of jeans we had shoved the credit card into. It was easier to assume we had been pickpocketed. And now, as a mom of active kids and as business owners, we are just trying to get through the days. There are so many moments when all we can wish for is a way to put a hold on a credit card, knowing it had simply been put it down somewhere and needed to be found; but worried it was lost or worse, stolen.
You may have guessed it by now, neither of us have had our wallets stolen more times. Rather, we are moms who have so much on our plates that we constantly lose or misplace our wallets (and maybe just maybe a few times our cheeky kids have hidden the wallets in an attempt to watch mom fly into a tizzy).

That is why we are thrilled to learn about the newest (and in our opinion greatest) RBC Mobile app feature to be developed. RBC has had the innovative foresight to put the control of our cards into our hands; enabling us to lock and unlock credit cards as we need to. We almost cried with joy when we learned that we had the ability to place (and then remove) a temporary lock on our credit cards with a simple action, never having to make a single phone call to cancel our most essential possession!
What we also like about this app feature is its versatility. The “lock” feature isn’t just for when Ella uses Laura’s cards as a toy for her dolls and then tosses it into her toy bin, it can also be used for when we go travelling overseas. We can lock it while on vacation or before we ever leave. If we need a card, all we have to do is click the “unlock ” button and it is back in use!

I will admit, at first I was skeptical. What about my preauthorized gym membership? Will it still happen or will I face humiliation and be refused entry once the hold has been lifted? And how about the bill Laura paid in advance? Will it still be processed? With RBC’s credit card controls you don’t have to worry. While the credit card is locked, purchases and cash advances are blocked; but payments, refunds and my preauthorized charges are still handled normally. Phew.

In fact, this is just one of the many digital banking services available through the RBC Mobile app. And we encourage you to check it out for yourself. It provides you not only peace of mind, but saves you from hours of phone calls and panic over lost or misplaced cards. RBC truly is paving the way, showing us what can be done with the best mobile banking experience in Canada. The RBC Mobile app is available as a free download from the App Store on iPhone, iPad or at, and Google Play on Android devices, or at For more information about the RBC Mobile app, visit
Try it. Trust us, it is worth it.
This post is sponsored by RBC. However all thoughts and ideas are own.