Sometimes people will understand why you post everything on social media, sometimes they won’t.
Sometimes people will support your “Too much” type of ideas, sometimes they won’t.
Sometimes people will get why you decided to start your own business, sometimes they won’t .
Sometimes people will think it’s weird to talk to strangers online you have never met and call them a community, and sometimes they are happy to be part of it.
Sometimes people will mock the things you post, and sometimes they will support you.
Sometimes people will judge you based on what they think or what they heard, just like that scene in Pretty Woman. “Big Mistake”, and sometimes they won’t.
This post is dedicated to every blogger, content creator, Influencer, anyone, out there who just does their thing & doesn’t fear the judging. It isn’t as easy as it looks. So many of us put our lives out there, our insecurities and our vulnerabilities to people we don’t know but hope to inspire. Let’s keep doing that and keep supporting those who are doing this for the right reasons and stop the fear of judgment. We actually needed this pep talk. Believe it or not sometimes we get insecure. Then we remember why we started The GG Sisters, whether we have connected or inspired 1 person or 100 we inspired at least someone. REMEMBER: Inspiration trumps Judgement ALWAYS!
