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Self Care during COVID-19

Thanks to Lisa Hicks she provides Ten tips for taking care of YOURSELF during these turbulent times (and when you’re home with kids.)

1. Maximize the Time Kids are in Bed – get up 30 mins before kids do or use evening for self-care. The dishes, laundry, etc will still be there the next day. Important to take the quiet moments as they happen.

  • Have a coffee/Tea in the morning

  • Do a 5 minute meditation – so many awesome meditations available online/in apps for free. Even just Five minutes spent practicing a guided meditation, unguided meditation or visualization imagery is proven to improve focus, self-compassion, mood, immune function and quality of sleep. Here are some apps I recommend.

  • -Headspace– Insight Timer – Calm – YouTube Videos: Search “Guided Meditations” The book that I LOVE is called “Breathe Mama Breathe”

  • Use nighttime to connect with a friend or your partner – play a game, watch a show. Something that fills your cup.

  • Have a bath

2.Schedule in a little extra Screen Time

  • Allow kids a bit more screen time so you can have afew quiet moments to yourself or to catch up on a couple things. Especially if you have a toddler, finding moments to get ANYTHING done can be a real challenge.

3. Stay in touch with friends and family – just because we’re isolating physically, doesn’t mean we have to isolate emotionally. You can video chat via IG, Messenger, Zoom, Skype. This is also an activity for the kids to engage with their friends. 4. Move your body – yes, going for walks with the kids is great but move daily FOR YOU. Have a private dance party, do some stretching or do an online workout. Make sure it’s something you like doing and will make you feel great. 5. Start/restart a hobby – Connecting to yourself is SO important during these times of turmoil. Painting, singing, play the piano, all things that are easy to do. If you don’t have the supplies, there’s probably an app for that! 6. Start a gratitude journal – now more than ever it’s important to focus on the good. Yes, it’s scary and yes, we have to stay informed. However, it is SO important to take stock of all the GOOD that is happening in your life right now. Can be simple like, today I’m grateful for cheese. 7. Social Media Detox – Our natural instinct right now is to consume all and as much of the information as we can. Truth is, it’s sending us into hyper overdrive and it’s causing more pain than good. Like your kids, set aside time in your day to check your phone and social media. Then, put it away. If it’s that important, someone is going to call you about it. 8. Breathe. JUSTTTT BREATHHHE (anyone else have that song in their head now). When you’re really feeling the overwhelm, take 10 deep calming breaths. Seems simple enough, but it’s hard to take the time to do. This allows the moment to pass. 9. Get dressed – Shower, put make-up on and some clothes you feel GOOD in. This isn’t for vanity. This is so you can feel like a human. When we’re forced to stay indoors, we often just stick to a sloppy shirt and stretchy pants. Even doing something as simple as putting on a fresh pair of jeans and some mascara can help elevate your mood 10. Connect with your partner – when the kids are in bed, have a date night with your partner. Make some food together, have a glass of wine and check-in with each other. Play cards, have sex. Whatever it is that brings you together.


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