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The 23 Mamapreneur TO DO LIST for 2018 to help you through THOSE DAYS…

Writer's picture: The GG SistersThe GG Sisters

So you’re an entrepreneur and a MOM. We know first hand how crazy, rewarding, scary and exciting that could be. Take it from us it has been over 7 years of us playing these two roles and it is not easy. Below is our magic list of 23 to get through those days when you just want to throw in the towel. Print, post, scan, share whatever you have to do this is THE LIST OF ALL LISTS. You’re welcome…. NOW GO ROCK 2018.

1) Don’t try to balance life out. Seriously don’t. Take one day at a time. Everything falls into place we promise. 2) Take your kid out of school once a month or every few months for a day out. Focus on quality of time with your family not quantity 3) Make sure you have a smart phone- get up to date with technology 4) Get a scanner app to sign documents 5) Download Canva app to create flyers for your business. 6) Compliment one person a day via email text or quote. 7) Comment on at least ten friends IG account each day! Support them dammit. 8) Pinterest inspiring quotes every morning and night. Start the day off with good thoughts and end the day with them. 9) Have a ladies night once a month 10) Have a You Day- Spa, lunch, yoga, whatever… 10) Hustle and hustle hard. Money never sleeps! 11) Attend a networking event once a month 12) Prep your social media every morning between 7:30 and 8am. 13) Don’t cook twice a week ask parents, in laws etc. or go out to eat. YOU WORK HARD DO IT! 14) Invest your marketing budget in social media! 15) Remove negative, unsupportive, one-uppers, drama queens, and sad people from your life. Seriously say BYE FELICIA. 16) Drink wine because wine not 17) Self promote YOU & be proud of your accomplishments. 18) Be grateful and say thank you 19) Say sorry when you make a mistake 20) Laugh at least once a day it’s the best medicine. 21) LIVE in the moment don’t look at the past, don’t look forward to the future enjoy the NOW. 22) Did you notice there are two 10’s? That’s a mistake an error. Prepare for mistakes, unhappy clients etc.. They happen in life and in business, its ok to make a mistake it will get you #23. 23) Celebrate you and the success of your business YOU GOT THIS!


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