There will be a time when you don’t want to wear your glitter cat ears anymore….
There will be a time when you don’t want to wear your glitter cat ears anymore, there will be a time when you will choose your friends over us, there will be a time when you will know you made the wrong decision even though you have been raised to make the right decision, there will be a time when you don’t know what’s going on with your body even though you’ve been taught and educated about puberty, you will still feel LOST. There will be a time when you will feel you have no one to talk to because no one understands, even though we have told you you can always come to us . There will be a time you are going to stay up all night and loose sleep stressing out about a school project, an exam, boy issues, a fight with a friend, even though we are ALWAYS here to talk . There will be a day when you say you don’t need us, you hate us, and you wish you weren’t in our family, even though we have showed you how to love and how to be loved. We know all those days are coming no matter how much we prepare you and us for them. Just remember there will never be a day that we won’t be there for you even though you may try and push us away. You will always be our 7 year old cat headband wearing, gymnastic loving, tight hugged, fashionista of a daughter. The hardest job out there is understanding all of above and knowing we don’t know the answers and are all parents learning along the way!
