Time for a Thank YOU!
It’s time for a thank you! We don’t take any of our days for granted and we cherish our relationships with each and everyone of you very deeply. Thank you to each and everyone of you for being the most supportive, positive, engaged and compassionate community. This past July our feed was filled with birthdays, vacation and stuff about our dad, we worried about what we put out if you guys would think we were being “too much”, but we also know this community we created is WHO WE ARE. It’s made up of entrepreneurs who work hard and at all times of the night, business owners dealing the daily struggles & triumphs of running a business, it’s made up of friends deciding if they should take the leap and become an entrepreneur, it’s made up of parents who are trying to juggle at all, it’s made up of people who have lost loved ones very close to them, it’s made up of parents like us trying to find guidance and make sense of this world we are in, it’s made up with people who want to be memory makers, it’s made up of grandparents who can relate to Nonna Vincy, and most of all this community is made up with people with the biggest hearts who love a clean dining room table HAHA!. If this is YOU, you are in the right place. On that note we try to respond to every message and comment and if we don’t please please please don’t get upset. It’s hard with the kids home this summer, so please send another one we will respond. The past month was busy and sometimes we answer messages in our head and forget to type it out in a message back. It’s something we are working on. August is going to be AWESOME- we have tons of fun things planned for you guys. I wish you could feel our gratefulness behind this white screen. Sending cyber hugs to each of you and THANK YOU for being you.
- Love The GG Sisters
